What Lovely People You Are!

I just thought it was about time I said a proper ‘thank you’ in celebration of my blogging companions, for all your day-to-day support and encouragement, and for sharing your own work with me and the blogging community. I’m sure I’m not alone in the pleasure I feel through seeing what everyone’s doing, and how ideas get bounced around and developed as they move from person to person. What unexpected joy!

I’d also like to say how grateful I am for the kind nominations I’ve received since I started blogging in April 2015. I’ve not been very good lately at acknowledging these, and I hope that this post will go some way to making up for the miserable lack of response.Thank you note

So I’d like to say a special thank you in particular to:


Sharon Mann Illustrations

Le blog des oeuvres de Lise

…who have nominated me recently for a Liebster Award. If you haven’t looked at these blogs, you’re in for a treat, do check them out.

My blog has since expanded to the dizzy heights of over 200 followers, which I find astonishing. I’m so glad that what I post here is being enjoyed by other like-minded souls.

Sharon, Jacob, I hope it’s ok if I answer AgnesLise’s Liebster questions here:

1 – Quel est votre moyen d’expression préféré ?
What is your favorite means of expression ?

Hmm, that’s a tough one – but I think it has to be drawing. Probably. Maybe combined with some paint, or in pastels, or in coloured pencils. I also like playing music… It’s so hard to choose a favourite!

2 – Quel est votre meilleur souvenir ?
What is your best memory ?

I’m lucky to have a lot of memories to choose from. But, I’d say right up at the top would be the day that my baby son first said ‘I love you’ to me. That was a big, delightful, surprising moment.

3 – Quelle est votre couleur préférée et que représente-t-elle pour vous ?
What is your favorite color and what does it represent for you?

My favourite colour, without question, is a dark turquoise – it triggers thoughts of the sea, of peacock feathers, of the evening sky, and the colour behind my eyelids, and it is a colour I love to wear.

4 – Si vous étiez une musique laquelle seriez-vous ?
If you were a music which would you be?

That’s easy – I’d definitely be a classical piece, perhaps something by Debussy or Prokofiev. A bit of depth and complexity, a bit of emotion, a bit of humour… but ultimately relatively easy to relate to.

5 – Quel pouvoir magique aimeriez-vous avoir ?
What magical power would you have?

Maybe the power to turn back time and try things again, hoping for a better outcome… that could be very useful, especially when painting!

6 – Quelle est votre saison préférée ?
What is your favourite season?

Spring, I think. I love to see the first flowers emerge, and the optimistic blue of a sunny spring day and feel the air holding a promise of warmth.

7 – Si vous deviez retourner à l’école, serait-ce avec joie ?
If you were to go back to school , will it be it with joy?

Yes! I’d love to go back to school! Especially in this decade where teachers try so hard to make lessons interesting and to relate to their pupils. I fantasize sometimes about studying at art school… Yeah. As long as I don’t have to be a teenager again though. If that’s the case, I’m not doing it!

8 – Le sport, c’est quoi pour vous ?
The sport is anything for you?

For many years I was totally unmoved by any kind of sport. But about 5 years ago my husband (who is very sporty) got me into running, and I’ve been running ever since. It’s good for my body shape, and it’s a proven mood lifter; I run with friends so it’s a good social activity too. I hope to run as long as my body will let me – I never thought I’d say this, but ‘I’m a runner’.

9 – Voyageriez-vous dans l’espace si l’occasion vous en était donnée ?
Will you travel in space if the opportunity were given to you?

Like so many people, I’d love to see the Earth from space. What a privilege to to be able to observe our beautiful planet as a whole. But I don’t think I would be able to bear the isolation and enclosure (not to mention tedium) of actual space travel. So maybe I’ll just let other civilizations come to me instead of travelling out to meet them.

10 – Si on vous donnait un chaton, le recevriez-vous avec joie ?
If someone give you a kitten , you would receive it with joy?

Of course! It would have to take its chances with our other two cats though…

11 – Quel est pour vous le plus beau mot ?
What is for you the most beautiful word ?

I find many words beautiful, either to look at for symmetry (e.g.’ANNA’) or because they feel nice in the mouth (e.g. ‘pannacotta’) but in truth it’s their combinations which wow me. Some people do this so well, particularly in poetry. I have to admire wordsmiths with the ability to shape a fully-formed picture from a combination of wonderful words.


I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I’m going to shirk the responsibility of making nominations right now, as I feel that I need to give this more time than I have right now to do it justice. But –  I reserve the right to make my recommendations at a future time! There are so many great blogs to explore, and so little time…

I’d like to Nominate…

A couple of weeks ago I was delighted to be nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by my fellow blogger, JustAFellowHumanRay, who pens endearing robots in human situations. Before I could get round to passing on my own nominations for the Award, I was nominated for the Leibster Award for small blogs by lovely Sabri-Caye-ous-Art. My heartfelt thanks to both these lovely bloggers for the recognition. And today, thegreyeye kindly nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I’m overwhelmed by these kindnesses and compliments.

So, now that my head is as big as a watermelon, I definitely need to pass on the love (better late than never, eh?)…Each of these awards has slightly different rules, so I’m going to get creative and put all my nominations under the Versatile Blogger  – I hope that’s ok!


My Versatile Blogger Award nominations:

It’s been really hard to choose my nominations, as there are so many wonderful blogs I follow regularly. Today, I’d like to highlight the following 15 bloggers whose work I’ve enjoyed immensely (amongst so many more, I hasten to say!) over the couple of months that I’ve been blogging. Keep up the great work folks. 🙂

Some of these blogs have numerous followers, others are just starting out, but I think each one is great – I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

I’m supposed to now give you 7 facts about myself, so here goes:

  1. I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil, but had a huge un-creative gap (about 20 years) from my late teens to about three years ago. There just didn’t seem to be room for creativity, but somehow I’ve at last managed to squeeze it in. Hurray!
  2. Starting my blog was an accident really – I was helping a friend get his business online, and needed to know how a blog worked… the rest is recent history.
  3. The main idea for the blog initially was to have all my pictures in one place, in a kind of visual diary and record of development. I didn’t have an inkling of the wonderful support, encouragement and advice which comes along with blogging – what a bonus. Thanks so much guys. I feel like a I have a huge crowd of lovely new friends!
  4. I worry about losing my memory, and my sketchbooks (hence the blog).
  5. I cherish the fact that blogging, and reading others’ blogs, inspires me and drives me to make more pictures – it’s a virtuous circle.
  6. Using paint still scares the willies out of me. It’s like wrestling with a tiger.
  7. Recently, ideas for pictures have been bothering me in my sleep – that’s new, and just a little bit weird! Anyone else suffer from this phenomenon?

Versatile Blogger Award

I’m immensely surprised and delighted to have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the amazingly talented fellow WordPresser, That Blog of Zhangah. I feel so lucky!

One of the joys of blogging for me is connecting to people with amazing talents, all over the world. So, enormous thanks to all you bloggers who give me inspiration and who offer a window into your world through your blogs.

That Blog of Zhangah captivated me instantly. Zhangah’s striking illustrative style is gritty, expressive and flavoured by Film Noir. She regularly posts her intriguing short story comic ‘Helping Mitch’, interspersed with other thoughts on the creative process and illustrations. I was hooked, and hanging on the next episode! Thank you Zhangah, both for nominating my blog for this award, and for sharing your work.

Now for the tough part, as I must nominate just 15 of my favourites for the Versatile Blogger Award (drum roll)…

Please would the following step up to collect the Award and be recognised for your inspiring blogs:

And finally, the nomination requires me to share Seven Facts about myself:

1. I’m left-handed, but I can apply mascara with either hand. Ta-da!

2. Despite the apocryphal story that my first words were ‘Cuppa tea’, I don’t drink tea or coffee. Ever. Cola is a different matter…

3. I taught English in France for a year, rather a long time ago, and I still love France and the French (mostly).

4. Not entirely unconnected to point 3, my favourite film of all time is Delicatessen. So black, so funny!

5. I’m a born-again runner. I started as a total excercise-o-phobe  in my early 40’s, strongly ‘encouraged’ by my sporty husband to join a local Parkrun. Parkrun is a force for good in the world. I’ve been running for three years now so that I can continue to eat cake guilt-free. Hurray!

6. I sometimes moonlight as an exam invigilator. One of the nice ones without squeaky shoes.

7. I once met Queen Elizabeth II. I don’t think she remembers me though.