
It’s funny, an atomiser isn’t nearly as sci-fi as its name would suggest. I’d love to be able to blast objects down to their constituent atoms with just one squeeze of the little bulb… but the reality is much more prosaic. My refillable atomiser is even less useful, as it’s lost its rubber bulb and can no longer issue a little breath of perfume on demand.

However, it did provide a diverting subject for me today. I felt like a change, and turned to collage, inspired by  the recent collages of fellow bloggers, Memadtwo and Sabiscuit. This is my second collage, and as in my previous experiment, I chose to make the outcome as ‘realistic’ as I could in terms of form and colour, using snippets from a small stack of magazines I have hoarded.

Atomiser collageThis picture measures about 4.5ins, which means I was working pretty small. I sketched out the basic shape with a white carbothello, (a mistake, as it doesn’t rub out easily) and then started choosing and cutting out the collage pieces. Being rather lazy (as I’ve mentioned before), I used scissors, and not the sharpest or finest pair. As may be imagined, this did make things a bit tricky as the necessary level of control on the very small pieces was hard to achieve. And at this size, bits of paper keep sticking to your fingers rather than the page – I think philatelist’s tweezers would have been a boon. Next time, maybe?

However, I had a really nice time making this picture. There is something which, for me, is quite meditative about trying to find exactly the right shade and texture of print for an area. And that was just what I needed today.

(P.S. I’m not sure where the Border option has gone on WordPress’s image tools – can’t say I love it when they change stuff like that!)

21 thoughts on “Atomiser

  1. Love this! I often spend more time looking for the right papers to use than actually doing the collage. And things sticking to gluey fingers is just part of the process. Thanks for the mention, too! (K)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very much, Michael! It’s certainly time-consuming – this pic took me longer than I’d normally spend on a sketch (even when you factor in time wasted being distracted by ancient news articles)…I found it a very absorbing experience. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is fanfriggintastic! I have a hard time seeing that it’s a collage. (I love collaging, though I don’t do it as much these days. Still have a huge box of neat paper scraps that I can’t bare to get rid of.)
    It looks more like a finely rendered illustration. Stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha – you’ve put a big smile on my face with ‘fanfriggintastic’ – I’ll have to use that one someday! Thank you very much indeed, I’m glad you enjoyed the pic. The illustration feel was exactly what I was going for, so I’m very grateful for your comment. I can totally see how your hoard of papers would be too delicious to recycle; the day after you got rid of them you’d of course have a project they’d be ideal for… 😉 I look forward to seeing one of your collages sometime! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much, Graham! I’m not sure about any advantages of the WordPress changes yet. I haven’t had trouble with the tags, although I think the format is a bit confusing; it’s still early days so plenty time for more hitches. We shall see!


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