Fate Paints

I was at a loss as to what to do today, so I ended up scrolling through our photo albums. I was looking for faces to sketch in watercolour. However, fate had something else in store for me. I landed upon a photo we’d taken a couple of years ago in California, near San Diego. The picture showed a tree, lit by the glowing evening sunshine, and it brought back memories of a very happy holiday. So, the tree it was.

California tree watercolourIt’s funny how sometimes you think your picture is going to be one way, yet fate, the muse, whatever you want to call it, has different ideas once you get started. Today it seemed that this watercolour would very much have liked to be an oil painting. This is quite weird, as I’ve never even tried painting in oils. But for me, that’s the vibe this watercolour gives off. It’s so very colourful and bold compared to my usual approach. I feel it’s quite a departure from my usual style, and so I have some trouble imagining that I actually painted it – but I know I did. And what’s more, I really like it!

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